At LAIS, we make of science an instrument of love for other people.

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“For us, science goes far beyond technology.”
“Humanitarian science is more than technology. It is health and also education. Those are central pillars to the development of any endeavor.”
Ricardo Valentim, Executive Director, LAIS
"It has a lot of innovation; that is why LAIS is named after
"I am dazzled by the works, the projects. We are left with many ideas to take back to and develop in Colombia."
María Guzman, Professor, National University of Colombia
"I found myself very surprised at the quality of the work."
"Not only at the quality of the scientific work, but the quality of the social work, the way the research is being done here."
Lúcio Gama, Associate Professor, Johns Hopkins University (USA)

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Check out our audiovisual material detailing LAIS related events, visits, and agenda.?

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Learn about projects that are part of our lab.
